If you’re passionate about wildlife and want to get more involved with conservation efforts in Durban then the honorary officer program with KZN Wildlife is for you.

It’s a volunteer program that allows the public to get hands on with nature.
The volunteers are people from different generations, professions and walks of life that have one thing in common, they’re die hard nature lovers.
The Durban chapter is located at Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve and is headed by Basil Pather. The tasks vary according to your strengths. Some volunteers assist with fund raising, others work with school groups and everyone participates in the surveys and conservation efforts.
The minimum requirement per month is 6 hours of your time. Once you apply, you go for an interview with the committee and when accepted, will be on 6 months probation. Thereafter you will become an honorary officer with the khaki uniform, making you look the part as well.
Being apart of this dynamic group means that you’ll have the opportunity to assist the KZN Wildlife officers and be in the know for amazing wildlife related events in the area.
It’s a dream of many nature lovers to be involved in this way and KZN Wildlife has created this awesome opportunity for the public to play an active role in conservation.
For more info on KZN Wildlife’s honorary officer program, click here